
Proper Monogram Etiquette

Image: Tumblr

I have always wondered how monograms are made up, but I could never remember which order they were made up of.  But now I have found this lovely monogram etiquette guide.  I hope this guide helps clear up any confusion any of you were having!

Je me suis toujours demandé comment monogrammes sont constitués, mais je ne pourrais jamais me souviens ordre dans lequel elles ont été faites de. Mais j'ai trouvé ce guide monogramme belle étiquette. J'espère que ce guide contribue à dissiper toute confusion d'entre vous avaient!


1 comment:

  1. Jacqueline, you get a GOLD star for this! Do you know I've always wondered but never looked it up. HAHAHAHA Now I KNOW! Thanks girl. What I thought would've been totally WRONG! hahaha
