
Touches Of Gold...

Images: Tumblr, Thisisglamorous.

Both my wardrobe and decor preffrences involve neutral shades and I am now thinking I need little touches of gold to dress up every aspect of my life...
P.S. I just painted my toes a glittery gold!  Would you wear glitter nail polish?

Les deux ma garde-robe et décoration preffrences impliquent des tons neutres et je pense maintenant j'ai besoin de petites touches d'or pour habiller tous les aspects de ma vie ...
Post-scriptum Je viens de peindre mes orteils une médaille d'or pailleté! Souhaitez-vous porter à ongles paillettes à ongles?



  1. I just want to let you know that I think its wrong of you to censor your comments....

  2. I do not censor my comments, I simply do not publish comments that are meant to personally offend me. There is no reason for me to publish comments that tell me how horrible my blog is or attacking my hypothetical physical appearance.
    Any comments that contribute to a productive conversation regarding a post will be published whether they are negative or positive; as long as they are part of a conversation about fashion, beauty, etc and not about me. Thanks for reading!


  3. A touch of Gold is always nice!!! I love glitter nail polish. Especially gold :)Now taking it off is another subject! HaHaHa
    Hope you're having a great weekend Jacqueline. ((HUG))
