
Book Review: Queen Of Fashion

Image: macmillan.com

For those of you who love fashion as well as history, then I have found the perfect combination.  Queen of Fashion, by Caroline Weber, details the extravagant life of Marie Antoinette and her fashion choices.  I found the book very interesting and very detailed in not only aspects of fashion, but the history as well.  I learned a lot about the royal family and the French revolution as well as the extravagant fashion and beauty trends of the time.  While it takes a while to get through the text, I really enjoyed reading this book.  I am always looking for good books to read, which do you recommend?

Pour ceux d'entre vous qui aiment la mode ainsi que l'histoire, alors j'ai trouvé la combinaison parfaite. Reine de la Mode, par Caroline Weber, les détails de la vie extravagante de Marie-Antoinette et ses choix vestimentaires. J'ai trouvé le livre très intéressant et très détaillé dans non seulement les aspects de la mode, mais l'histoire aussi bien. J'ai beaucoup appris au sujet de la famille royale et la Révolution française ainsi que la mode extravagante et les tendances beauté de l'époque. Toutcela prend un moment pour passer à travers le texte, j'ai vraiment apprécié la lecturede ce livre. Je suis toujours en quête de bons livres à lire, qui me conseillez-vous?



  1. I'm putting this on my reading list! Gonna wait for the next Barnes and Noble discount and get it. Love history/period pieces!

  2. Love any historical fiction about royalty. I need to add this to my wish list! If you enjoyed this book, Antonia Fraser wrote an amazing biography about MA called "Marie Antoinette: The Journey." But one of my favorite historical nonfictions is "Victoria's Daughters" by Jerrold M. Packard. It's all about Queen Victoria's five daughters and the impacts they had on Europe and the rest of the world. Fascinating stuff!
