
A Few Questions...

Images: glitterguide

As some of you may have noticed, I recently updated my favorite pictures and favorite posts pages.  I now want to update the about me page, and I want to know what you want to know!  Please ask any questions you want about me or my blog and I will feature them on the About page.  I am looking forward to your questions!

Comme certains d'entre vous avez sans doute remarqué, j'ai récemment mis à jour mes photos préférées et favori pages messages. Je veux maintenant mettre à jour la page sur moi, et je veux savoir ce que vous voulez savoir! S'il vous plaît poser toutes les questions que vous voulez sur moi ou mon blog et je leur fonctionnalité sur la page A propos. Je suis impatient à vos questions!



  1. Hey Jacqueline! That's great. I would like to know how you became interested in fashion and also your personal hobbies.


  2. movies that inspire your fashion?

  3. Are you intrested in art? Who is your favourite painter? And your most favourite piece of art? I would love to see some of your everyday outfits.
    I love you, I think we would be great friends together :-)
